>*sigh* i love ballet and it is my dream to dance pointe>im not thin enough yet, im a heffar, but when i am i am going to start taking classes. no matter the cost ($). how skinny must i be? is 5'6'' 100lbs good enuff, or shuld i hav a smaller goal? im really too fat now, i wish i wasnt so i culd take summer classes. i will be in an adult beginner class, and hopefully will work up to pointe. will i be able to fill this terrible need in me to dance?? i dont wanna be pro i just want to be beautiful and graceful. my mom says she cant drive me (we hav 2 cars an both rents work) so i mite carpool with a neighbor...it just seems like such a far away dream, unreachable.>neone hav advice id appreciate it.>lynn[/i]