Top number is the number of beats per measure in a phase of music.Bottom number is the note that gets the full beat count.
There are several note types in music. Starting with the "whole note" which occupies the full measure. A "half note" which occupies half a measure, a "quarter note" which occupies a quater of the measure, then an "eighth note" and a "sixteenth note" and so on; there is also a variant of notes which occupies 3 beats, one that occupies 1-1/2 beats and so on.
In 4/4 time there can be a total of 4 beats per measure (top number) and a quarter note (bottom number) gets the full beat and there could be a total of 4 quarter notes in that measure. In 3/4 time there can be a total of 3 beats with the quarter note getting the full beat. In 3/8 time the eigth note would get the full beat, in 4/16 the sixteenth note.
There are several different measures of time. Whhere 2/4, 3/4 (waltz), 4/4 (ballad), 5/4, 3/8, 6/8, 9/8 are typical.
as for the directions of the body.Croise devantquatrieme devantefface devantcruise derrierequatrieme derriereeffece derriereecarte devanta la secondecarte derriere
you may transfer from position to position in "temps lie", "pas de basque a terre" in the center or through barre exercises.
Most often you visit these positions at the barre and never know their names.
As far as your future goes...only you may determine the fate of yourself.[/i]