>>I am 29 years old (a mom) a ballet freak, an overweight adult, and I recently started ballet lessons (2x/week) with a very nice soft-spoken teacher. My classmates are all slim and thin and more advanced than me.... I just love ballet, and my goal is to go on pointe after a few years. My goal this first year of study is to lose the weight. Is it ok to have cardio-workout while also studying ballet? IS this going to work or will it damage posture etc. I love ballet. I used t study when I was young, then stopped, had a life and got fat. Well now I'm in it, and I just love it, I don't care that I'm the fattest one in class. The other thing is the classes offered in this city for adults are not the serious ones, although I am lucky to have a teacher who really corrects us and guides us (though she is not strict). What can you advise me? Thanks.>I to was in your (pointe) shoes. I was out of shape, signed up for ballet, and got into shape real fast. I would strongly advise you to stick with just your ballet classes, and NOT anyother kind of exercise program. I can throw off your ballet training. Your ballet teacher can give you some exercises to do at home ie barre work, plies, stretching and so on. If you are determined to go en pointe, you must concentrate ONLY on ballet!! Good luck.[/i]