>I am a 27 year old dancer. I have started dancing when I was 8 and stopped at the age of 11. Since then, I have taken classes during college and now that I have graduated I started taking ballet classes at a local studio. I have been dancing for 6 months faithfully and would like to continue dancing regularly from here on. In these 6 months, I have improved tremendously and believe that in a few years I can really improve my technique on flat and on pointe.>My question is how can I improve my turnout? Is there specific exercises that I can do outside of class that will help me get a better turnout or is it hopeless for me to even try at this point since I am already 27 years old? >My second question is about turns. I seem to be falling off as I am turning and I can only do 3 turns maximum. I would like to know if anyone have about any ponters for me. I love ballet and I am very dedicated. I am taking 9 hours of classes every week and my instructors are excellent. Please write if you can help. Thanks a bunch...[/i]