At the college at which I taught the football team was required to take ballet class. Lots of luck with your studies and your performance. Basheva
>*I'm just starting this summer. I work as an opera conductor, and think that I (as professional) should know a lot more about ballet. I think it'll help me physically (already do Pilates, ride horses, etc.) and may enhance my musical understanding. I'm 32, though. I hope I don't hurt anyone in my class; I'm not the most graceful of people.>If I like it, I hope to continue with classes.>K>>Hi guys - I took up ballet two years ago at 28... At first because of a love of tights, but discovered the freedom and joy of dancing - taking 5/6 classes a week.>>Over Easter I at last made my stage debut - danced the pas de deux from The Sleeping Beauty as a solo. I have just been sent the photos... and it's hard to believe it's me! The costume, make-up and my dancing all look great!>>Any you guys late starters? Do it - you'll never look back!>>Rich[/i]