....follow your dream !
written by Ali on 16.02. at 00:42:04 - as answer to: Re: Starting Ballet very late and without the body by magser55@hotmail.com at >>I am 15 years old and i Am interested in starting ballet. i don't want to be a professional ballerina, but I would like to dance to help me in my acting and singing. I have tapped for 4 years but never done ballet. I take modern dance at school, but I am really yearning to do ballet. i don't have very strong ankles and kind of flat feet. Do you think it is still possible for me to be a ballerina or is it worthless? I just need advie from somebody.>i dont know if you'll be able to go en pointe if you have flat feet but im not positive....start the classes look for a beginners class it will help you get toned. why are you yearning to do ballet??? Good luck. Thanks. I guess i just want to dance because its such a beautiul art form and im just really discovered it was somethign i wanted to do. Answers to this message: