....follow your dream !
written by Catherine artcorner2003@yahoo.com at on 22.03. at 14:57:06 - as answer to: Re: How do I improve my arch? by Mancer at Thank you so VERY much for your answer. You are absolutely right about hyperextension in my knees!!! Unbelievable!!!I live in Houston, TX and I went to two stores that have a good selection of shoes, one of them said that Freeds are good for me, the other said that Suprimas are good...I guess I can try one more store and see if they can come up with better idea. I took pointe when I was 12 and wore Russian shoes with no name. I got back into pointe at 28 (btw I am 30 now) and realized that since I was a child a lot of different choices have become available.I'll try to find a dance therapist, that's a good idea!Thanks again, and please if you think of something else let me know!Catherine Answers to this message: