....follow your dream !
written by Shelby at on 07.05. at 21:11:32 - as answer to: ballet clothes by Ali >First I want to thank everyone for responding to my first post("starting late with out the body") and ebing so supportive and encouraging. I've looked into classes and I am hopefully starting next monday, anthough I still have to go sign up for classes. Now that I am abotu to start I need to know what to wear. For the adult classes there is no dress code for adult classes, but I would liekt o be appropriatly dressed. what shoudl I wear without looking to overdone, and so I don't feel selfconcious (like what kind of layers can i wear)>any advice woudl be great>thanks guys!!! >> Well you could find out if you dance school has a dress code and If not, I suggest a simple black leotard, and if you are shy about showing to mush you could also get a dance skirt to go with it. Answers to this message: |