I know you have experience in ballet, so much so that some people here think we are fossils!
So I have to ask you about your ability to see the foot and how it moves when wearing black slippers with dark tights.
I have a problem with this, so I always wear white slipper to help me see my foot. I would bet that you've been able to discriminate despite the color.
I also have a hard time seeing how my leg muscles work in dark colored tights, so I wear lighter colors. I think you are the one person here that understands my problem, and I am sure you are the one person here who has learned to discriminate the muscles when wearing dark colors.
The amazing thing I find among danseurs is that some have an inate sense of their bodies without a mirror. I can't. I don't know if you can describe how you developed that inate sense, but I would appreciate your comments on the subject.
I always appreciate you posts!