BRAVO! We seem to go through this sequence about every 18 months. Why don't guys accept that dance means dancebelts for the males?
I don't necessarily think that you have to expect a dancebelt to be excessively tight or to hurt, though. Then again, I have a trunk full of discarded dancebelts in different styles and sizes. I think, Dr. D, you and I exchanged thought on the Les Stein eight-inch wide elastic belt joined by a tight, unforgiving strip of nylon tricot from front to back.
Unfortunately, my advice can be expensive, but I always say buy multiple sizes. And remember, if you keep thinking it hurts, it's going to hurt. Use "positive" thoughts about your dance and what you're doing, not the fit of your dancewear. You'll never fall asleep at night if you keep worrying that you're not asleep yet!