Why would you guys want to get rid of what makes you a man? There's something wrong with that. Males are meant to have a penis and two testicles. They are not meant to be cut off or even replaced by female parts. If they were we wouldn't be males. Think for a moment what a world of men without their genitals would be like. There would be no intercourse (which you all have to say is the greatest thing in the world, right? YES!). There wouldn't be any children because to make a child you need a male's reproductive parts. You wouldn't be able to jerk that long stick off for pleasure. So, when you consider castration, think for a moment about what your planning to do. If your a father, and you have a son, wouldn't it be really awkward if your son finds out that you don't have a penis. This is like finding out that a woman has no breasts (that would be obvious since you can see a woman's breast outline), but what if that woman doesn't have a vagina too. Wouldn't that be a little scary. YEAH!!! So, please think about what your doing. Honestly, I think everyone you dance with (your fellow girls, guys, and teachers) will find that it looks and feels so much better to leave your penis and your balls intact. I know it would. Don't make a wrong choice that will impact your future greatly and you'll regret. Make a right choice that will make your future the best for you and you'll feel proud of.[/i]