Sorry, but the advice is too long to post on the message board.
I have had problems with some email addresses, but never so screwey that I couldn't send and receive emails.
Are you afraid to let me know your email address? I'm not a freak, and don't latch onto guys who ask for the NoUniButt document. Some write back, some don't. It doesn't matter to me. I only ask that the guys let me known if the advice works for them. Some write back. I really want to know if the advice doesn't work, because I want guys to get the look they want.
If it doesn't work, I really want to know so I can look for the solution to why it didn't work.
You won't find me tracing you down. I'm not a stalker! I'm just a guy who wants to see more guys enjoy ballet, or tights, or both, and get what they want out of life!