1. >I'll take the liberty of anticipating my two friends here. Yes,>you can buy a full-bottomed dance belt. Bal-Togs makes one.
It's the bal-togs model #28B, and I believe it is available only in black or beige-nude.
www.nydancewear.com has them for less than $20. I only recommend nydancewear (get their paper catalogue) because I have friends who repeatedly order from them with good results.
There is also the Star Styled model #1510, which is full-backed and is a little more comfortable in the front (for me at least).
However, each of these dancebelts is on my bed-post, the spot reserved for dancebelts I've tried and rejected. Which brings me to the second very true statement Tom made:
2. You'll look better with a thong back, however.
Tom is very right here. It is important to be able to see both butt muscles distinctly, in the mirror for you, and for your teacher. The butt (and hip) musculature are very important in ballet, and of these many muscles you need to work them differently. While the gluteus maximi help stabilize the pelvis, working in concert with the abdominals, the gluteus medii (and others) are important for turn out. In ballet you'll develop butt muscles you never thought you had!
The problem of the thong being a pain-in-the-butt is a matter of how you wear it! 1st, don't pull it up so tight! 2nd, powder the butt-crack first. 3rd, you can add a piece of foam to the butt-strap for extra comfort, if necessary.
There are other hints, but those are the basics.
Good luck in your classes!