You won't read this. Fine!
But the sarcasm you wrote into your August 12 04:05 message merited the "insult." The sarcasm was the insult directed towards me and Tom. We are the aggrieved parties. For my part, I resent the sarcasm, because it was SHALLOW!
Therefore, I had the last word with my message, and your response was nothing! And believe me, I am NOT hostile towards you, and I've always admired the work you do. I just did not like your arrogant response to guys like me and Tom.
PS: I don't know how Tom feels about this, and I feel he probably does not feel the Dr. Dancebelt insult that I did. I apologize to Tom for involving him in my messages, but I felt Dr. Dancebelt was insulting him, and feel I should come to his defense, even if he (Tom) doesn't want it. I respect Tom.
PPS: OK guys, so let's get away from this stupid discussion and move-on to talk about male dancewear.