I absolutely agree with you. This message board should be discussing dancewear, period. I am a female and view all the dance message boards consistently, so I do read Male Dancewear board often. I have taken class for many years and have had males in class every once in a while (they never seem to stick it out for any long length of time like the women). The last thing all the women in class want is some guy fantisizing about tights and thong leotards. Sometimes on this board men talk about getting erections during class (and not because there are females close by). Dance class is very difficult, strenuous, and takes lots of attention and dedication. Women are not in class thinking about how wonnnnnderfullll it feels to have a sports bra on, or the feel of legwarmers on their calves. They are in class to dance and learn. It should be the same on this board - questions and answers about male dance fashions, sources, and advice. It is an absolute shame that serious visitors are unhappy with the information they find here. It seems like some of the posts on this board are almost predatory. If there are no bodywear fetish sites and boards available (and I know for a fact that there are lots), then start one and leave this one alone.[/i]