Male dancewear

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Re: The Doctor's Guide: Everything you need to know about dance belts - and more

geschrieben von Sammy  am 16.02. um 21:31:29 - als Antwort auf: The Doctor's Guide: Everything you need to know about dance belts - and more von Dr. Dancebelt
Wonderful descrip. & instruct!

During my first class I was given advice that seems to speak volumes:For performance, a dancebelt should be ALMOST painfull (it only has to be worn for an hour or two), but for class and rehersal, a dancebelt should be barely tight enough to do the job.

A slightly oversized dancebelt or MENS thong leotard is thus ideal for class.(Rarely, I've seen men who keep their tights tight enough with suspenders or straps to bypass a support garment altogether.)

Oh, my experience has taught me that ATTITUDE causes more strictly male injuries than any other position, but handling a ballerina is the real threat.

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