Male dancewear

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Re: Any guys in Hawaii dance ballet?

geschrieben von balletboy  am 15.12. um 01:44:41 - als Antwort auf: Any guys in Hawaii dance ballet? von JT
Hi JT!

I am not in Hawaii, but sympathize with your problem.  When there are no other guys in class, or you can't relate to the ones that are there, who do you talk to?  We used to do that on some boards, but things have gotten muddled up with strange messages rather than male danseur talk.

As far as the port-a-bras forwards, the arm should keep the same relationship to the torso when you are standing erect.  That's traditional.  However, movement of the arm and hand in a flourish manner can make the recovery to the erect position more "stagey" or showy.

For training, I think the best is to follow the syllabus exactly, and keep the flourish for the stage performance.  However, I have been known to make the flourishes in daily feel like a performer.

As far as following the female need that for technique.  And developing some of the "female" mmovements does help becoming more expressive.  As a danseur, you need to express the male person inside you and your feelings of the dance.  So experiment with movements, and really don't think of them as male or female.  Movement will suit the danseur.

Ballet provides a solid structure for any danseur.  It is discipline of movement that will help you with any other type of dance you do.

We've all been the only guy in a ballet class.  But guys like me are out here to help you discuss what you need to know about the male ballet experience.

Keep in touch!


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