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written by ChildRightsDefenders-Jurist Firm ETOS is completely tax-paye on 21.05. at 16:58:45 - as answer to: Re: Sis hypnotized me to wear gear!!!!!!!!!! by balletboy607@yahoo.com at Informative broadcasting of The ETOS!.. Definitely, No Spam!.. Notice, please; this is an useful info, complete your knowledge!.. This is not any spam... Jurist Firm ETOS struggles for the CONCRETE RIGHTS of all the CHILDREN http://www.b2b2b.com/images/portfolio/pop/missing-children.jpg> *+* European Union standardized juridical sections of ETOS: (telesecretary/fax) 004686465406, (mobil, SMS) 0046735889796 ETOS struggles for the CONCRETE RIGHTS of all the CHILDREN: http://www.helpfindachild.com/images/haveyouseenmecard.jpg> Anti-Discrimination Bureau postal address: ChildRightsDefenders-Firm ETOS, Ekrem TOS, jur. kand./advocate, Jurist, tolk-rehab. services; home office, Gillerbacken 43, 12464 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ETOS struggles for the CONCRETE RIGHTS of all the CHILDREN: http://www.namca.com/USA/us-0055.gif> ETOS is your close "Arbetspartner", everywhere! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is E.T. (Ekrem TOS)? http://www.stockportmind.org.uk/images/advocate.gif> ---------------------------------------------------------- Ye; I can tell, WHO IS E.T., who best known in Laponia/SCANDINAVIA: Biography: * Ekrem TOS, a radical humanist philosopher /autor /academician (advocate) resident in Scandinavia, wrote several books, chronicles both in english, swedish, german etc. languages. He is founder of "The Voice of Humanist Artists-bulletin"... ... Once he was member by JUSEK (jurists etc. work union) too, but left this stinky sect, as protest, then JUSEK was nonchalated against the paedophilia affairs ... Everyone can add all the books /resumées etc. to the catalogues on the own homepages! Art for Humanity; Kunst für Menschheit; E-Press & Co. E-post address': He don't like E-Post circulations... ... Tel&answering: 00.46.86 46 54 06 By this way, it is possible to leave any message after music-signal! But folk leaves messages at libraries, too; which reaches in safe to the author... ../... http://www.thelizlibrary.org/outrage/justice-for-children.gif> List of ETOS's books for readers' interest ... SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS Memoaries in english; BELONGING, published in Stockholm, 2000. Poem in turkish language; GÜLÜN ÖMRÜ AZ OLUR (Rosens liv är kort), published in Istanbul, 1990. Poem,in turkish language; BÝR SERSERÝNÝN LÝSE DEFTERÝ, " . (En luffares anteckningar från gymnasiet), 1990. Poem,in turkish language; LAHMACUNLU SENFONÝ, 1987 and '90- Istanbul Poem,in german language; DAS SIMFONIE MIT DER LACHMADJUN, 1990,'95 in Berlin. Juridical (ironic) essays in turkish: NASIL BOÞANAMAZSINIZ, 1987, Istanbul. Talks&essays in turkish: HANGÝ GENÇLÝK, (U.N.-Youth Year-1985 prize), published in Ankara, 1986. Memoaries /ironical essays in swedish language; TILLHÖRANDE, published in Stockholm; January 10, 2000. Stories (original titel; "A Marathon of Child Rights") in swedish: STINKANDE, published in Stockholm; February 10, 2000. Stories (original titel; "lobotomer-and-e") in swedish: LOBOTOMERANDE, published in Stockholm; March 13, 2000. Laponian Cold War tales on Swedes in turkish: NÜKTE SAVAÞLARI, -first edition- published in Stockholm; January 10, 2001. Laponian Cold War tales on Swedes in turkish: NÜKTE SAVAÞLARI, -second edition- published in Stockholm; February 10, 2001. Memoaries in german; HYGIENED BLUMEN..., published in Stockholm, 2001. Memoaries in german; AMEISENFRESSER, published in Stockholm, 2001. Memoaries in german; EICHHÖRCHENs TRÄUMEN, published in Sthlm, 2001. Memoaries in german; AMEISEN in die KÖNIGs HOSEN, publ. in Sthlm, 2001. Memoaries in german; EL PARADISO SCHWINDLEREI, publ. in Sthlm, 2001. ../.. INTERNET PAGES / CATALOGUES & LIBRARIES should be asked by the libraries! ../... _______________________________________________________________________________ http://www.childwatch.com/seen%20me%20andrea.jpg> _______________________________________________________________________________ ETOS INTERNATIONAL http://www.backspace.com/is/in/the/house/work/images/samples/hrw_police.png> http://www.stockholmfeneri.com/ ETOS struggles for the CONCRETE RIGHTS of all CHILDREN: http://www.kelloggracin.com/missing-children-amy-blagg.gif> http://www.friendsandflags.org/guestbook.htm http://graphics.jsonline.com/graphics/news/img/may02/alexbig050602.jpg> http://www.sharewaremusicmachine.com/smm/wwwboard/messages/108179.html http://www.jonathanbwilson.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/Cover_Image.JPG.w240h360.jpg> http://www.pbase.com/anissan/profile&cmd=guestbook Remember, please!.. Jurist-artist Ekrem TOS is looking for cooperation on both law and art areas... Feel free, contact E.T.!.. E-Mail an: Advocate_Ekrem_TOS@yahoo.de, Consulting_Bureau@hotmail.com, Advocate_Ekrem_TOS@hotmail.com http://www.mlab.uiah.fi/nmc/gnu/keskustelu/598.html c./o. Diana ROBINSON, practician Jurist at The Law Firm ETOS =========================== © 2006 ChildRightsDefenders-Jurist Firm ETOS is completely tax-payer cathegorized (so-called Firman ETOS har F-skatt; SNI-kod) tax code: 74111 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answers to this message: |