Ahhhhh, good question, Mr. Ballet. Even I have to admit having a genuine fear/intrigue when I first started dancing of those tight fitting garments that men HAVE to wear for ballet, the same garment that women wear!. The first time wearing them had me absolutely terrified. I was eleven at the time and the only thing that prevented me from staying out of dance was that the studio was in Manhattan, New York City and I lived in Queens at the time, another borough.
But, to answer your question "simple enough", since I came to love dance, even from an early age, YES, I would still have studied ballet. In fact, it was from seeing the movie West Side Story, when I found out that the dancing the MEN were doing was actually based on ballet (obviously with some other influences), well, I was hooked!
Come on, anybody! You want to call me a fruit??? Well, here's your chance![/i]