Then when I checked your e-mail address, I was surprised to see your screen name included the word "chick." Are you a female? If so, why would you feel that ballet was only for females? Who the hell do you think would lift the girls? Hold them while they turned?
And the message you replied to was more than a year old. Why would you dig back into the archives to ridicule ("ridicule" translation for stupid crackers: "make fun of") a message that was that old? Certainly there are a lot of newer messages you could have, sorry, made fun of.
If you are female, a man in tights is pretty much as near to, sorry, "neked," as you can get; why are you so, sorry, "scared shitless" of a near-neked (got it right that time!) man?
And if you are a man, why are you scared shitless of a near neked man? Insecure about something?
Look, the title of this board is "The serious male dancer." You don't appear to have anything serious to say about dance, so why don't you try another forum?