That "pause" during grand jete is very much like every other image you get from great male dancers -- it's the quick striking of the "pose" or position, and holding it for just the right amount of time so that it doesn't blur into the next step.
The other day I was in ballet class doing changements. I was watching myself in the mirror, and the whole combination seemed strange. I changed my approach by jumping-up more quickly and stretching my feet and legs more rapidly, quickly changing the back foot forward, so that when I hit the height of the jump, my legs and feet were already in position for coming down, but just for those few microseconds at the top my legs and feet were fully stretched. After I did the jump combination the second time, one of the girls in class remarked: "How do you do that!"
So when doing the grand jete combination, think of extending your legs and feet to their fullest, and hold that position for just a few extra microseconds, as the "pose," and you'll see how the male danseur can "pause" in mid-air.
Good luck! balletboy[/i]