I have known several teachers that have tried to start classes just as you describe: basic ballet stretches and warm-up. However, it seems that their classes have never caught on in Chicago.
I'll ask around to see if there are any other places that offer what you're looking for.
Good luck! balletboy
>Hi All>I am a trained male Indian classical dancer - the style is Bharatanatyam.>I live in the NW suburbs of Chicago and I am looking for an>institution/performer/instructor from whom I can get some training in the>basic ballet stretches and warmup and some very basic techniques. I think I>will benefit a lot in my Indian dance from this since it will help my flexibility, to some extent posture and body lines. >Well, if anybody out here knows of any resources do let me know. >Vinod (anuragmenon@hotmail.com)[/i]