A dancebelt may be better!
Dancebelts have material in the pouch, and when you pull your testicles and penis up out of the crotch and point the penis upward, the package looks fairly uniform.
>I prefer thongs personally as there are no straps to show through your bottoms.
Me too!
>Finally one or two of my colleagues seriously do fill out their thongs with tissues but you have to be careful it looks realistic,
DON'T USE TISSUES. Male models use tissues, because they stand and pose. However, for anyone that's going to be active, the tissues will absorb sweat and become quite, as my boyfriend says, yucky!
He uses a thin foam cup, much like a flexible baseball cup, but NOT hard. He gets the foam in a fabric store, You can also get "dress shields" and use those. The foam absorbs the sweat, and is enough to make the package look nice and even. Don't get foam that's too thick, otherwise it accentuates the bulge, unless you want that effect.