But...I'm at it again, at the age of 71, & there's another guy inclass with me who's 5 years older than I am. And I have no talentwhatever. Never had. Can't turn, can't balance, I'm slow &clumsy. How my teacher puts up with me I can't imagine. But Ipersist, and there are guys worse than I am (if you can imaginesuch a thing).
Oh, the gay thing...? There's a question on that in my ballet-modern FAQ, on my Web page, that should set any concerns you haveon that score to rest. Besides, you'll be so busy & working sohard you won't have time to worry about such things. (And thereare all those pretty young girls in their skin-tight clothing...don't get me started on that!)
You'll be in a minority, to be sure. Is that so terrible? Someoneonce said that it was bad for the mind "to be always part of aunanimity." Here's a chance for you to escape that. :-)
Tom Parsons