You would be surprised who rides with me! Gay or straight or bi, Harley men understand who loves that machine. They appreciate the love of that wonderful machine, and don't care about the man's ideas, Republican or Democrat, gay or straight. Harley men (and Harely women) love eachother. Why can't all people be the same?
It's guys like you and the mock-of-a-man who think dance is feminine that freak us out. Dance is historically male. Have you ever appreciated the war-dance? Have you ever appreciated the dance to the gods for the fertility of the fields? The dance is performed by the men.
Dance is the primitive expression of the male. Man needs to express himself, and the male dancer shows his maleness through dance.
When I do ballet, I show my maleness. Men are fantastic beings that have abilities beyond the feminine, but have the unique chance to express the feminine side of themselves in a realy male nature. Maybe you and the mock-of-a-man can't do that, but don't hate us guys that can.
Men are men. The male danseur wants to express himself. Some of us ride Harelys because we love the machine. We are still men. Some male danseurs want to find their maleness through other men. They are still men. "Fags" are not females; they are men who want to love other men. I admit it, I'm a fag, and want to make other men find themselves and their maleness. Does God hate me....I think not.
I love men and their maleness. I love to glorify the man. Dance is a way to express the male and what he is....a man.
You and mock-of-a-man are not male. You deny that part of you that is male, for fear your will be thought of as "feminine." Spend an hour with me and you'll feel more like a man than you ever felt before. No fag sex, but male finding his maleness.
Life is short and we all need to be who we are. You and mock-of-a-man may want to bash us fags, but you should spend your time finding out who you are. All men want to feel loved, by men and by women. That has nothing to do with sexuality...but that need to be loved.
I love you and mock-of-a-man. Feel love. And give up your biotry.