Have we gotten out of control about this topic.
I have a friend who traced John's remote address (the computer address that's recorded with a post) to several other names used on the parsimony boards, some that were complimentary to Ballet boy.
There are some people in this world who just want to get people angry, and John or whoever seems to be one of them. That's the problem with computer bulletin boards, everybody, on the surface, is anonymous. But have you ever printed out an email? There's all sorts of gobely-gook attached about addresses and stuff at the end. These are the identifiers that identify how the message got there.
Of course, there are some six billion internet exchanges each day, so most people don't keep track of these address. But lately marketing people are monitoring many sites to see what people are interested in. Those pop-up ads are not random! Usually you have searched on one of these subjects before, and some marketer has gotten your remote name.
I had a friend who moved to an apartment a block from a casino (He got a job as a choreographer there). I searched to get a map to that casino, figuring that would be the easiest way to get a map. Now I alwyas get pop-up ads for casinos and gambling!
When you take a peek at that porno site, they'll glomm onto your remote address and bombard you with porno ads!
And nobody stops it!
In you computer, there is a file called Temporary Internet Files on the c: drive, inside the WINDOWS file. Open this some time! It has every web page you ever looked at in it (up to a maximum, then the really old ones are over-written). And there's another file in the WINDOWS folder called history, which records every site you've visited. On top of it, there are "cookies" in the Temporary Internet Files" that store information on what you looked at at a particular web site. They're the things that when you log back onto that web site, like Macy's, pop-up a window that says "Hi Joe Smith! Do you want to see what's new in men's underwear?"
We've gotten out of control on this topic, and now I've gotten out of control about my hate for all this information that everyone is using about any-one of us when we use the internet! Imagine! Every item on every web page we ever look at stored for someone to trace down!
But that's how my friend found out about John, the fraud!