Funny...I must be the world's worst celebrity spotter. Even inManhattan, where celebrities are pretty thick on the ground, I canstare right at one & only afterward does someone with me say, "Doyou realize who that was?" And I never do.
In spite of that, years ago at David Howard's I kept seeing thisguy who looked *exactly* like Baryshnikov. They used to have adsfor Baryshnikov dancewear in Dance Magazine, with his photograph,& this guy had that same slightly beaky profile. But I never wassure.
Then, a few years later--at Steps, in fact--all the girls in classone day were saying, "Baryshnikov is here!!" So I thought, here'smy chance. So I snuck out to where David Howard was teaching, &sure enough, there was my Baryshnikov lookalike!
Hey, look, guys, I could have been wrong! I frequently see a guyat Steps who looks just like Jerome Robbins, & Robbins is dead....
Tom Parsons, still the world's worst celeb spotter[/i]