I appreciate your advice! Thanks! BUT...It wasn't me doing most of the "balletboy" messages. Some group (or maybe it was one guy or gal) started using my name, and I totally backed off posting. But it wasn't hard for him/her/them to take that name and turn this site into shit. I kept reading, and remembered that some guys here stil wanted to talk about dance. On the week-end I realized that I left this poor fellow joy_of_dance with only partial advice on his serious question on make-up, so I figured I had to post a reply.
If there are guys here who are serious and need advice, I will offer what I know. I'm not saying my advice is the be-all-and-end-all, and when someone wants advice, I hope others who are serious will add their experience to mine in the spirit of helping.
>I suggest that you stop answering the negative posts ,so they will stop on this forum. Donot be the catalyst to another mess on this forum. Show us your maturity!!![/i]