I sympathise with your statement. But trust me, some of us here are serious about male concerns in dance.
Sure there's lots of shit that destroys this board. And there are two assholes who use the name "balletboy" that denegrate rather than discuss.
There are some moderated boards where guys can discuss some topics, but mention a banned word and you get banned from the board. I mentioned to one guy that I hadn't heard from him lately and he should drop me a line when he had some free time, and I got banned, despite the fact that we were both adults. The moderators thought that guys shouldn't have one-on-one conversations. It's really funny that my ban coincided with a critiscism of one of the moderators who was giving medical advice without a medical degree.
So it goes. Moderators with narrow minds, or a free, open board with assholes of a different kind.