Are all male dancers gay? You're already heading in the wrong direction just by asking this question. rarely is anything 100%. But to answer your question, I've found that most male dancers are anything BUT gay. The percentage might be a little higher than in the general populance, but I'm willing to bet that most male dancers are quite straight.
As for the second question, ballet is one of the more sexist forms of dance that there is. Quite simply, women dance very effeminate, men are suppossed to dance like men. One of the problems that society has with men in dance is that very rarely do people see men actually dance ballet. Since all they've ever seen is women dance, they assume the men must dance the same way. Hip hop and contemporary lets women and men dance pretty much the same way, so they may not have the same misconseptions about the way men dance. As a matter of fact, ballet for men is much more masculine than for hip hop and contemporary.
My opinion.