I know the feeling you must have, about telling your folks the truth. I think your folks will support you, even though you think the odds are otherwise.
When I began to take dance lessons (I was 18), I had the same problem. But, alas, the "old man & woman" were quite supportive. My dad, a college athlete, was thrilled that I wanted to dance, since he wanted an athletic son! My Mom was also supportive. Like most dancer's Mom's, she attended most of the perfomances I danced in, until I moved to a distant city. (Sometimes I flew her out to see me perform!).
I always tell those who are unfamiliar with dance, that for men, dance is moreso athletic than most sports. Men in dance jump, leap, spin, run fast, and partner. All of these activities require coordination, stamina, and endurance, as well as creativity,.attention to music, and soul. Many major league sports teams hire dance instructors, to lead conditioning classes. Imagine seeing a team of football players at the barre! That's exactly what the Oakland Raiders football team does.
So go for it! Let your folks know that you really want to take class. I'd also invite your folks to call a dance instructor or two, to query about their part in supporting you.
Best wishes to you! Milton MiltonDanc@AOL.COM