I had a similar experience when I was in high school. My school, in bucholic Indiana, had a dance class. I was the sole male dancer in that class. I was teased, called all sorts of names, and basically had the hassles you mention. I jsut kept my peace, wearing tights and the uniform of dance, despite the taunting. Ond day in gym class, one guy came up in my face, and was quite derogatory in lhis verbal assault! I rolled up my sleeves, as if I was going to knock his lights out. The bully stopped short, when he noticed the toned muscles on my arms, the result of a year in dance training. I guess the word got around about this incident. The next semester, ten boys signed up for dance class! The dance instructor was thrilled to see so many males in the class! I received my class letter, as a result of the "recruitment" of these fellows in dance class. And yes, there were three drop-outs, but seven boys remained in the class (and became dancing buddies)for the remainder of the term.
So I suggest that you remain positive about who you are. The tights are not the reason anyone chides you. Taunting remarks are simply a reflection of the person who chides. Just smile, and go your own way. I think it's marvelous that you dance! Keep up the spirit, and share it with your friends.
Milton MiltonDanc@AOL.COM[/i]