Thanks for all your information.Ok I must have the wrong kind of dancebelt then because mine doe'snt have any extra layer or padding. It's just one layer and is elastic (I think spandex) It's tight enough to hold me firm and up but doesn't prevent me from getting big.I'll have to ask the dance shop about the Capezio you suggest. The squashing of the testicles part sounds a bit scary though. A couple questions though. If the capezio kind hides an erection so well, then how do YOU know all the other guys have erections in class? or how did those girls know and "smile"?I'm not gay and am great friends with a couple of the girls. I know it's important to be "sexy" as well as a good dancer and I've been told I am "sexy" (not those words) by the teacher and the girls. They're all really nice to me. In fact, sometimes I wonder if one girl flirts on purpose sometimes. Shes always teasing and touching my butt in a stimulating way and doing stuff that gets me "going". I just try to (as you say) put my passion into the dancing because I do feel that I'm talented. I know it's natural but don't you guys get even a bit embarrased? I can't help getting a bit self conscoius if I get REALLY erect and my main worry is if it happens in a performance I don't want to be labeled a freek or a pervert. No one has yet answered my question. Does it ever happen to the "pros" in a performance?[/i]