>I know that there are many more guys who love to wear tights that have done exactlty what I have done. So please don't dismiss all guys with a tights fetish as perverts.
I don't; but I don't like the fact that there's such a disproportionate coverage of it here - it mis-represents the male dancer altogether. I attend several different schools and classes, and I have never encountered any of the behaviour or stereotypes advertised here. (Thank God.)
Don't get me wrong; I think it's great if a guy finds his way in to dance for whatever reason, because sooner or later I'm sure he'll find that there's a lot more to it than the 'uniform'. What upsets me is that so many of the posts here only serve to perpetuate the myths surrounding dance.
Anyway, there's not much one can do about it on an unmoderated board. I'll leave this one to the "Ballerina Boys", I think - enjoy.