>>>>>>>Try logging onto us.parsimony.net/forum/forum27099, then go to their links. Under photography there's this guy, fanballet, in germany who has a web site with lots of photos. Be careful, some are pornographic, so stay away from his "erotic" and "bondage" galleries!
Also, fanballet's site is supported by some porno advertizing.
You cannot directly download his photos unless your browser is compatible, but you can do this: put your mouse pointer on the thumbnail you want, then copy the website listed at the bottom left of your browser. The website should say something like "pointfeet.majorhost.com/ballet/(picture number).jpg" (This may not be exact, so check out the actual address in the lower left of your browser. Then you have to put that address into your website window and hit "GO." Then when the photo is displayed, hit FILE and SAVE AS.
There are some other photo sites listed there. Give them a try!