I haven't. I'm the only guy in my dance class but imagine the changerooms in larger dance companies to be like normal male changrooms with little privacy.I wear tights and a danebelt and find the support it gives to be more than sufficient. I also feel the wearing of cups might become an obstruction when performing certain moves. I for one, prefer the more natural look. I've seen a variety of things happen in these places, although most of these rooms are pretty sedate. May-be these guys who do what you call "stuffing" are dressing before they come to classes, at home.
Maybe, but as I said, I'm the only guy in the class at the moment.
>I can understand that some guys want to portray a more "even" or flowing look to their dancewear. As long as they don't go over-board, who cares? (Seriously, too much "stuffing" can look obvious.)
I for one couldn't care less if a guy turned up to class with a box of tissues down his tights, but I doubt very stronly that the "professional" dancers resort to anything more than wearing a padded dancebelt should the need arise.
>I've also been in professional dressing rooms where guys have been forthright about "adjusting" their appearance, particularly for performances. I don't think its that strange!
I didn't say it was strange. I just said it was unlikely.Just like some ballerinas may decided to pad their bras for a fuller appearance, I don't find it offensive whatsoever, I just think it's not that common and often unnecessary, unless it was done to fit the role or character she plays.What role or character in dance do you know that requires the male to augment the size of his crotch?[/i]