Doc, I agree with you about about the "swim cup". I purchased one last year and use it when I do not want the "natural look." What is the correct look? Is it to create a smooth bulge or an "anatomically correct lesson in male genitalia."
I have three different brand-name dance belts that all project a different look.A very thin single layer of lycra that leaves nothing to the imagination by Bal Tog. Two layered pouch of lycra by M.Stevens and the padded Capezio.
The nude "swim cup" works best with the nude M.Stevens and Capezio. I favor the Bal Tog "natural look" most often.
It appears that the look depends on the dancer and the situation. Now I know how women must feel when men give them the once over. It has been my experience that when I am around ladies in class and I am in tights, they glance down for a look and there is nothing wrong with that.