I think you got some very good advice to your "random questions," and as far as the course of messages that arose from your "REALLY tired of this..." message was very interesting. BalletMaster was right -- this web-site is an EDUCATION.
There was some advice somewhere there that it was better to have these freaks posting on a message board rather than have them showing up outside ballet schools approaching the students. I don't know if its an urban leagend, but I've heard it can happen. Keep the freaks on-line!
I'm not a minor, and when I first saw your initial posting, I was going to send you an e-mail to warn you about some of the messages on these parsimony sites, but you didn't leave an e-mail address.
Don't be discouraged by some people who post messages here. I read them just to see what people who claim to be interested in ballet are thinking. I am old enough to know that they don't all have the art of the dance in mind. What's in you heart is what matters.
You can see those of us here who are really into ballet, and you can e-mail anyone who you think will discuss the subjects with you honestly.
Keep dancing! balletboy[/i]