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Re: Welcome aboard....and Introductions

written by Dancing Fool  on 25.08. at 03:40:52 - as answer to: Welcome aboard.... by 
>>-Danny>Hi Dan>I don't know if we've had any formal 'intros' from any of the regulars at any point, but it might be interesting if some of us put in a few words to say who we are & what we do etc. As you'll notice, there's a fair old mix of people on this board, ranging from Tom Parsons & "Dancing Doc" at one end of the respectability scale, to the usual fruit loops at the other end. Likewise the posts range from the informative & useful, to the bizarre & twisted, respectively.

Anthony, I accept your challenge.  I'll be 47 on 6 September (qualifying me for the "fair old mix" end of the spectrum), and work as a pension specialist for a multi-nat investment bank here in the States.  I'm a lifelong balletomane who first ventured from the audience to the studio last February, starting with one class a week.  Now, I'm taking 3 classes a week, and in the week that includes my birthday I'll be up to 5 classes.  (If I won the lottery, I'd be like Adam - moving into a studio, with a sleeping bag.)

>Anyway, I'm a late starter (24) at Russian-style ballet, but already thoroughly addicted after less than a year. I'm an engineer/scientist by day, & I live in the south of the UK; that's about all there is to say, really. (probably a good idea not to give too many personal details on these boards, folks)>Anyone else care to come out from the shadows?>Anthony>PS. Sorry to hear you don't like dancing ballet - I'm a 'hippo' too when it comes to navigating the dance floor, but what the hell.

Geez, go easy on yourself, Anthony.  You'd feel better if you could see ME on the dance floor - at nearly 6'5", with frame to match, I need a lot of space.  And I'm not exactly agile.  Practice will never make me perfect, but at some point I hope to be at least less dangerous.

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