the male dancer
written by balletboy on 07.10. at 01:06:07 - as answer to: Dance Belt War by Dance Embarrasment at I always try to be on good terms with my dancebelt, but know what you're talking about! ">When putting on the dance belt, I feel a little bit umm... u know... WEIRD! There is a lot of tugging and yanking to get to the right position for comfort. Do other guys do that too,..." Yeah...It's a problem, but you have to deal with it. I do it everytime I go to ballet class, and so do lots of other danseurs. Everyone has to adjust themselves, or else get into trouble. There is nothing worse than the dancebelt slipping during exercises...and nothing that can be more painful! Think of the tugging and yanking as "preventive medicine" for your personal protection. "... cause I have always changed into my dance belt alone, but Ive been too shy to ask if its ok to pull and tug." You don't have to ask any of your fellow male dancers, because they all go through it! You may not see it, as some dancers are shy, but, I've been in many changing rooms where nobody seems to think twice about it. After years of ballet, I don't. I sometimes dress into my dancewear at home and pull on a sweatshirt and go to class just like that. You'll see me in my dancebelt, tights and a t-shirt/sweatshirt in the grocery store, coffee house, etc. at times, with sneakers, if I'm early for class. But everytime I get to the studios I still re-adjust myself, because it is necessary. I remember taking classes in New York City where proper adjustments were the talk of the changing room. Now that I'm in Chicago, the guys hardly acknowledge eachother and often turn away while dressing. I always thought that a "locker room" is a locker room, and that's were guys can do this kind of thing. In fact, I've been backstage at some major dance performances in NYC where the guys adjusted and readjusted themselves in front of everyone around, and nobody seemed to care, and seemed to accept it as part of wearing dancewear. "Im also nervous about showing my manhood. I mean, I know everyone else has the same package as I do, but I dont like people looking. And what if a girl is in the room, I NEED PRIVACY "w/o women present"! ASSIST ME!" What can I say? My motto is my body is my body, and I'm not ashamed of it. That might not work for you. You say that everyone has the same basic package, and the truth is that (almost) everyone knows what's there. The human body should not be something anyone is ashamed of. Relax and accept! and keep dancing! balletboy Answers to this message: |