the male dancer
written by on 10.10. at 22:55:48 - as answer to: Re: When doing technique, I feel odd about my bulge. by Seas >>I remember the feeling all too well - in fact my pre-occupation with the worry of what others were seeing nearly cost me a career in dance. The fact is - very few people actually notice - and if they do - they don't say anything - so really who cares? I found the advice of an older boy was great - get a cockring and a thong with padding - they do the trick and are far more comfortable than the dance belts available. At 15 I guess my other morbid fear was that I'd get hard on stage - well it never happened to me as I became more focused on my art during performances - I remember one guy though - he gave it all away because of embarassment - but then he gave up a place in our swimming squad too because he was always hard in speedo's - so if you haven't had these problems all will be well. It's a great career to follow and allowes you to travel the world and mix in the finest of circles! Answers to this message: