the male dancer
written by Julian at on 13.07. at 01:23:13 - as answer to: Does Ballet Training Make Boys Feminine? by Snow King at >im 13 and ive been dancing and surfing for yonks. i am very feminine. i think im just feminine naturally. doing ballet has made me more feminine and thats cos its made me relax being me. my dad supports me 100% and he tells me to be who you are. he calls me his little poof son and we laugh, but its only a fun name. i love dance. and i like being me.the surfing friends i know dont mind who i am, and my brother is gay but not at all against me being me. he has had a boyfriend for many yonks and they stand and clap and cheer and so does dad. its inbaresing lol but i live it also. So if ballet does make you more feminine, so what? football makes boys more mucho lol and books make boys more geeks but so what? there being who they are. anyway im raveing. i might just be lucky to have a family that excepts me being me. Answers to this message: