the male dancer
written by Curious George at on 16.06. at 15:17:00 - as answer to: Re: Under your tights? by Krissi at >I wear white M steven's thong dance belt under my white unitard most of the time, but I also often wear nude thongs under Bodywrappers convertable pink tights, white ankle socks and satin pink RAD split sole slippers with ribbons, with my socks rolled down to hide half the knots of my ribbons, especially when I tied them with a bit of the pig tails showing. When I dance en-pointe, it's always pink tights under the same colour thong leotards, so my butts are spread apart just noticable. Totally cool dude!! I to wear (and LOVE!!!) Bodywrappers pink Supplex convertible foot tights under my dance belt and black M Stevens tights. Why should the girls be the only ones to enjoy the great feeling of soft pink tights? Answers to this message: