the male dancer
written by Jennie Asmussen on 01.05. at 16:33:20 >>>I am 33 yr/m and I take ballet. I have taken ballet for over>>>6 yrs. I am having trouble spotting? Any experiences? Please write back >>>>Don't use plain wall in the studio to spot on. It's too hard to find again. Most studios don't have targets painted on the walls, but anything that you can see easily can work. >>Try to keep your head from moving as long as you possibly can before whipping it around. Don't anticipate your head move - delay, delay,delay >Agreed for piroettes. But for double tours I think it helps to initiate the head spot earlier. In fact I try to do it quite early. It is difficult to get around twice in the short time you are airborne and an early first spot healps a great deal. It is important to relax your neck to improve your piruetts and spotting, a god advice is to slightly open once mouth(without showing it...). The reason is that if your neck is relaxed our head can move quiklier Answers to this message: |