the male dancer
written by AARON at on 28.07. at 21:28:39 - as answer to: Re: REALLY tired of this... by orange ballet shoes at I have been using this site for 3years now. I've seen a lot ofmessages not always at the right place. But I don't care. WhenI need an advice, I ask for it. I suspect you are gay yourselfand that you are not comfortable with all these. Should that not beàthe case I believe you have a strong reaction for nothing.Let people do whatever they want and do what you believe is good for you. >>>>>>This site is going to the dogs!!! We seem to have only three types of postings here. Fetish boys, Ballet lovers and Dictators. And the fetish boys and dictators seem to be winning. We really don't need the fetish crap on this site. But we also don't need pious attitudes as portrayed by Mr. Orange Ballet Shoes!!! Yes, I to am tired reading about guys getting off on wearing tights or tutus or whatever, but unfortunately that is always going to be out there. Ballet does attract many of the wrong types. The best way to deal with fetish postings is to simply not reply to them. Look for example how many responded to that sick posting by the so called "Tights Loving Dancer". Every big fire is started by a small ember. So let's try to get back what this site was designed for, Males discussing ballet. No more lectures, no more perversions. Dance gentlemen, dance.<<<<<<<>First of all, I think I have the right to have said what I said. I think I have a right to some sort of ignorance and innocence as a minor. I am not trying to dictate anything; I am simply asking those who write the postings to find a more suitable place to do it. Is that all too much to ask? I also feel that they are giving ballet dancers an extremely bad rep and scaring off any potential newcomers. I, for one, do not remain passive when being given a bad name. And you defeated yourself when you replied the way you did, as you called others "dictators" and you only accomplished dictatorship yourself. But I agree... As were my intentions in my first posting, let us get back to dancing. Answers to this message: |