the male dancer
written by Tom on 31.07. at 03:17:23 - as answer to: Re: white ballet shoes AND leather or canvas? by balletboy at > Tom! I think I used to use the same stuff, only it was called "GOOP." Yup. And when I was a little boy, a thousand years ago, it was called"Gunk." (A neighbor boy used to use it on his hands after working with hismotorcycle.) > But to tell you the truth, I prefer white leather ballet slippers. I've> had mine made by Freed of London. They're a bit expensive, but the feel> of the floor is fantastic. (Notice I didn't say the feel of the sensuous> leather on my feet is fantastic! We do need some serious discussion on> this web-site!) Mine are leather, too...sort of. The uppers are leather on the outside,but that's just a paper-thin veneer over cloth. I'd love solid leather,of the type (discontinued now) I was able to get at Capezio's up to about5 years ago. I don't know whether, as a superannuated amateur, I couldjustify having shoes custom made. And as for Freed's--the one time I wentinto their New York store & asked for men's dancewear, they gave me thatfishy "pervert" look and said No. You would have thought I had asked fora pink tutu. So they're on my sh*t list. Tom Answers to this message: |