![]() the male dancer
written by orange ballet shoes at on 01.08. at 04:41:37 - as answer to: Re: ballet is for gays by Appoll >I am straight - I have a wife and two daughters. I was a former athlete and can still kick butt in tennis, gyn-climbing, pole vaulting, and most forms of jumping. So buzz-off chump.>Look pal - the gay wackos that post on lists like this are far in the minority. It is the presence of straight men in tights here that attracts them. They will go wherever we are. They talk about being accepted - then they change the subject from loving the art of dance to fondling young boys, jerking off to pictures of straight male dancers, and sniffing dirty dance belts.>They don't want lists designed for them. They want us. That is not our fault. >You need to grow up. When you look at dance - think beauty. Ignore the homos. Answers to this message: