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Proof being kicked in the vulva is as painful as being kicked in the testicles

geschrieben von Shawn Badyk  am  um 20:49:13 - als Antwort auf: Re: You should be a girl!!! I am glad I am not!!! von gorisilion
In the labia majora is the Bartholens' Gland which is as sensitive to pain as the testicles.  Being hit in the vulva IS just as painful as being hit in the testicles, any female who denies this is an immature, stupid, woman who feels threatened & is not woman enough to admit that women can be hit right where it hurts too.

I have been hit in the testicles REALLY hard, & guess what, I never fell to the ground, I never held my testicles, I was not incapacitated, I was able to take the pain.  Yes, that's right, some men & women can take the pain of being kicked in the groin.  

But I can assure you that being kicked in the vulva is as painful as being kicked in the testicles, & while it will not incapacitate everyone, it still hurts like hell for all.

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