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Messages in the forum can be formatted with tags similar to HTML, HTML is not available in the forum. Often known as VB tags I call them pseudo tags. Here your find the overview of possible pseudo tags:

Format Pseudo tag HTML counterpart Examle/Explanation Display
Bold letters [b]...[/b] <b>...</b> [b]These are bold letters.[/b] These are bold letters.
Italic [i]...[/i] <i>...</i> [i]These are italic letters.[/i] These are italic letters.
Underlined [u]...[/u] <u>...</u> [u]This is underlined.[/u] This is underlined.
Center text [center]...[/center] <center>...</center>    
Justified text [justify]...[/justify] <p align=justify>...</p>    
Left aligned text [left]...[/left] <div align=left>...</div>    
Right aligned text [right]...[/right] <div align=right>...</right>    
Superscript [sup]...[/sup] <sup>...</sup> normal [sup]superscript[/sup] normal normal superscript normal
Subscript [sub]...[/sub] <sub>...</sub> normal [sub]subscript[/sub] normal normal subscript normal
Font size 4 [size+4]...[/size] <font size=+4>...</font> [size+4]four[/size] four
Font size 3 [size+3]...[/size] <font size=+3>...</font> [size+3]three[/size] three
Font size 2 [size+2]...[/size] <font size=+2>...</font> [size+2]two[/size] two
Font size 1 [size+1]...[/size] <font size=+1>...</font> [size+1]one[/size] one
Font size -1 [size+1]...[/size] <font size=-1>...</font> [size+1]-one[/size] -one
Font size -2 [size-2]...[/size] <font size=-2>...</font> [size-2]-two[/size] -two
Font face [face=Schriftart]...[/face] <font face=Font face<>...</font> [face=courier]courier[/face] courier
Link [url]...[/url] <a href="..." target=_blank>...</a> [url][/url]
Link [url=Link]...[/url] <a href="Link" target=_blank>...</a> [url=]PHP-Forum[/url] PHP-Forum
Email address [email]...[/email] <a href="mailto:">...</a> [email]john.doe@does-not-exist.invalid[/email] john.doe@does-not-exist.invalid
Email address [email=Addi]...[/email] <a href="mailto:">...</a> [email=john.doe@does-not-exist.invalid]Mail to John Doe[/email] Mail to John Doe
image [img]...[/img] <img src="" border=0> [img][/img]
Enumeration list [ul]...[/ul] <ul>...</ul>    
Enumeration list [ol]...[/ol] <ol>...</ol>    
Enumeration list - 1, 2, 3... [ol=1]...[/ol] <ol type=1>...</ol>    
Enumeration list - i, ii, iii... [ol=i]...[/ol] <ol type=i>...</ol>    
Enumeration list - I, II, III... [ol=I]...[/ol] <ol type=I>...</ol>    
Enumeration list - a, b, c... [ol=a]...[/ol] <ol type=a>...</ol>    
Enumeration list - A, B, C... [ol=A]...[/ol] <ol type=A>...</ol>    
Line in enumaration list [li]...[/li] <li>...</li>    
Table [table]...[/table] <table>...</table>    
Tabelle with border 1-5 [table=n]...[/table] <table border=n-5>...</table> n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5  
Table row [tr]...[/tr] <tr>...</tr>    
Table cell [td]...[/td] <td>...</td>    
Table cell vertical alignment top [td top]...[/td] <td valign=top>...</td>    
Table cell vertical alignment bottom [td bottom]...[/td] <td valign=bottom>...</td>    
Table cell vertical alignment middle [td center]...[/td] <td valign=center>...</td>    
Head lines 1-4 [hn]...[/hn] <hn>...</hn> n=1, 2, 3, 4  
Font colors [farbe]...[/farbe] <font color=COL>...</font> für "COL" eines der folgenden farbworte setzen black maroon
green olive
navy purple
teal silver
gray red
lime yellow
blue fuchsia
aqua white
Font colors [color=xy]...[/color] <font color=xy>...</font>   For xy use one of the color words above or RGB values in hex format, for example #ff0000 for red.

Note: All tags must be written as shown here which means no blanks or capital letters are allowed.

There is also the pseudo tag [br] for the HTML line break <br>. If [br] is uses once or more in a text, line breaks will only be done on the [br] tag. If [br] is not used in a message at all, a line break will be set at every place where "Enter" was inserted in the message. You not have the need of [br] in most cases but it may help if you use tables or enumarations. Using [br]in this cases will help you to keep overview of all the [tr], [td] and [li] tags by using "Enter" without becomming all these "Enters" a line break in your messages.