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Tights....and leading to Ballet.

written by Quite Normal Male Wearing Tights. at  on 29.08. at 08:10:19
It was when I was about 7 or so when, after going along to pick up my sister at her ballet class, that I noticed what the girls at the class were wearing.  The thin stretchy material, clinging to their bodies was incredibly exciting to me, even at that age and, well, not understanding such a feeling, led to what can only be described as a "fetish" for both tights and leotards.  Hiding it as best I could, it was only when I was 'old enough to do things on my own' that I attempted to satisfy such a fetish (I hate that word!).  And soon trying them on, and examining the status of my own body, the feeling was, well, indescribable.  No matter what position I moved my body in, I felt a freedom I hadn't known before, that perhaps, each way I moved was now much more than a simple movement, but indeed now an actual expression.  And soon wanting to express myself more and more with "movement" actually led to my studying ballet as soon as I could.  While I did such (study) secretly for many years in Manhattan (I live about 40 minutes away and have to take a train there) now, shortly after graduating college it has become not a matter at all who thinks what of either my studying ballet or what I wear while studying or dancing.

Since tights (and leotard) are pretty much still taboo for men, as far as ballet is concerned!, if one should develop an interest in wearing such, or simply be intrigued at or from an early age, for whatever reason, please don't be so ashamed.  Perhaps an intrigue of such a "tight fitting material" represents a desire to see yourself differently or, rather, stems from a desire to simply 'express' yourself differently.  Since the societal acceptance of tights and leotards has to do with women, in the case of men desiring to wear these garments, perhaps such is to do nothing more (or less) than to allow your feminine side to come out.  And let's face it, there are many of us (including myself), who believe that it is our feminine side that allows us to be creative, expressive, feel for one another, be compassionate to others, and to dance gracefully, as in the art of Ballet.

Oh, one more thing: it can be quite sensual to wear tights and leotards.  I won't deny this.  But when I attend class, or dance, the garb becomes nothing more than what has been standard fare for a very long time.

I hope my post has the distinction of being altogether different than that which many others have posted (from other men, I mean) who simply look at the wearing of tights and leotards as nothing more than a costume that simple is a basis of their sexual arousal and fantasies. I'm not knocking this, I'm simply saying that such should be posted elsewhere.

Quite Normal Male Wearing Tights.

P.S.  I'm not gay.  I don't care who is or who isn't.  I just love ballet.

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